Many individuals are experiencing nervousness and sadness on the planet and needs to fix their concern however subsequent to attempting many medications and specialists it doesn't fix a significant number of them had endeavored self destruction in view of pressure. My uncle additionally experienced terrible despondency and after that he chose to endeavor self destruction however on account of Allah he is know acceptable, I've the best method to fix tension or misery. So we should gooooooo. 

There are numerous approaches to fix your stress like rest soundly, don't take sufficient tension at the forefront of your thoughts and blah blah blah.... In any case, I've a superior choice. 
You need to Listen this and InShaaAllah after that you'll turn out to be more loosen up then ever previously. Assuming you need with English interpretation then, at that point additionally Listen this however First you need to listen first link. It will loosen up your psyche and give you harmony more than ever. 

What's going on with The Above Link?

The above interface is the piece of Quran "The honorable/Holy book of Muslims". This surah (Above interface) is from 55 Chapter of Quran with 78 stanzas. "Rehman" from Surah Rehman signifies "The Most Beneficent". It is the name of ALLAH (God of the entire universe). 
Assuming you feel solace subsequent to listening SURAH REHMAN, proceed to peruse or listen QURAN in your language. Allah Hafiz